New York City, NY

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Welcome to the New York City User Group! Join Us! Say Hi!

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hello, User Group Members! Please take a moment by answering the questions below to introduce yourself to the New York City User Group Community. Once again welcome!


  1. What’s your name and what industry do you hail from?
  2. What was the last movie you went to? What did you think?
  3. What Alteryx Tool represents you the most?


8 - Asteroid

That's awesome! Do you know how I can get the updates?

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

We'll post to the User Group page, you are automatically subscribed to updates when the message goes up. Also be on the look out for an email from me. :)


I am going to gage the next meeting will be sometime before Thanksgiving or before Christmas. 

5 - Atom

Hello All,


I am Sharrada in an Accounting Industry.


2.What was the last movie you went to? What did you think?

I saw Dunkirk in the theatre and Fences in DVD.

3.What Alteryx Tool represents you the most?

Predictive Analytics and ETL.


5 - Atom

Hey there, thanks for having me! My name is Richard Callis, and I have been doing Fleet Analytics for 9 years. I started using Alteryx about 1.5 years, and I keep learning more and more about it every single day. The last movie I watched in theaters was Despicable Me 3. I think the Formula tool represents me the most, since it can do many many thinks, and every time I think I have mastered it another function is found!

8 - Asteroid

Welcome Richard!

8 - Asteroid

Hi again, Folks.

Just wanted to stop in and celebrate passing my Core Certification, recently. Was a bit tougher than I expected, but I got through it! (It's not that the content is too challenging - You just have to know it well enough to answer the questions quickly.)


Now hoping to "Alteryx my career" a bit.


See you at the next user's group!





5 - Atom



What are some helpful tips that helped you prep for the exam?

12 - Quasar

Congrats! Well deserved!!!

8 - Asteroid

Well done Laurence!

Now on to the advanced certification?! 🙂

8 - Asteroid

First tip is the easy one: there's a whole bunch of pages dedicated to exam prep - go through them carefully!


2: the test has a few questions that go into the nitty-gritty configurations of some tools. You can look them up, but you'll waste valuable time doing that, so you need to dive into the tools' features for those that are very configurable. Sure, you can do anything in Alteryx given enough time, but this exam is testing your expertise, so you've got to know your stuff.


3: search the weekly challenges in the Community for those that use tools you're not very familiar with. I kept getting Transpose and Cross Tab mixed up, for example, so using them in different cases was helpful.


4: keep a visible timer at your desk - I actually set mine to 1.5 minutes and took the time to reset it after each question (not including the 3 pointers) so I could keep on track time-wise. It would have been too easy for me to get drawn into a problem and waste time otherwise. 


5: make sure you've got a place you can work without interruption for 2 straight hours - my son wandered in with an "urgent" question when I was in the last 25 seconds - what a stressful moment that was!!


We’re dying to get your help in determining what the new profile picture frame should be this Halloween. Cast your vote and help us haunt the Community with the best spooky character.
Don’t ghost us—pick your favorite now!