New York City, NY

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November NYC AUG: Call for Speakers/Ideas!

8 - Asteroid

Hi NYC Alteryx friends,


What a busy few months it has been! And yet what an opportune time to get the NYC Alteryx users back together. While the holidays are ever nearing, it'd be great to aim for another meeting on the week of Nov 26. Date finalization to come next week. 


We seek a couple of people to present at the next AUG; sample presentations include:

  • macro best practices
  • cool new app you've built
  • how your company uses Connect
  • top 10 things you learned as a new Alteryx user


Please feel free to post below or message me directly if you are interested in presenting or have a request for learning. We are here to enable you!




8 - Asteroid

Hi Britt (and everyone in the AUG),

Looking forward to the next NYC AUG - especially as I missed the last one. Would have loved to participate in the challenge.

Has anybody responded with presentation ideas?


If folks are interested in looking at apps, I could share a "Report Selection" app I built. It lets a user select from a list of reports to run and then launches each based on the user input.


Another topic I'm interested in is hearing about real-life, small scale use-case stories. I find the use cases on the Alteryx web site either too grand or too brief to be valuable, so I'd like to know more about when Alteryx really made a difference - and when other more common business applications did not help.



7 - Meteor



I have interest in seeing more examples of Apps and UI interaction. For your situation did you utilize native Alteryx tools exclusively or conditional macros from Crew and others?


If you utilized external macros, has your experience been seamless with deployment to a larger audience?  We seem to frequently run into dependency/directory issues when we deploy macros (the dreaded "?" showing in the workflow) and would probably benefit from a "best practice" deployment discussion.


We would also like to learn more about conditional UI.  Currently all of the UI for a workflow fires at the outset of running the wizard.  There are times when we would like to ask certain questions based on the answers to others.  Within a single workflow, I am uncertain if that is possible.



8 - Asteroid

Thanks Laurence! 


The next user group presentation theme is trending towards apps! As such, it would be great if you were willing to present your 'Report Selection' app! We have one app lined up from a Keyrus colleague, adding yours would be wonderful, too. I'll PM you so we can finalize details. 


Regarding success stories -- a show and tell would be great. If anyone is interested in telling their story, please reply here or DM me! I have a few in my back pocket but I'd love to see some of our attendees speak up!



8 - Asteroid

And over the weekend I thought of another topic I'd be interested to learn more about: Error checking and management.

This is the difference between a solution that works and a solution that is "ready for prime time", I think.(Take a look at the innards of any built-in macro and you'll see the bells and whistles that make it work.)

For those of us that are self-taught, it would be great to get a primer on workflow design best practices for error handling.


Does that interest anyone else?

8 - Asteroid

Good questions! I can only give you partial answers, but hopefully we can get some more input at the AUG.

I did not use external macros. Also, we have a very simple set up here where the few users we have share the same environment. It would be great to hear from others on this.


For the conditional UI question, it sounds like a case for the "chained app" approach. I did one like that and got my solution from the Community posts. It isn't up to snuff for a presentation, though. If I have a chance I will dig up the link to the post I worked from. You have to store the results from the first app in a db file so they are available to the next app. And you can't always expect a macro to work inside one of the chained apps as you would expect.



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