Thank you all for attending our session at Inspire Europe 2018. We promised to share the workflows and here they are, apologies for the short delay in getting these published.
First of all some useful links:
Twitter Search Macro -
Twitter App management used to pull tweets -
Cognitive Services Macro for sentiment analysis -!app/Cognitive-Services-Text-Analytics/587fe0bba18e9e1074a13b64
The how to guide to cognitive services -
Inviso Macro Pack -
GMail Explanation -
Google Colsole for API's-
The workflows have an authentication input marked with a red comment box - This is where you have to input your own keys, credentials, etc.
@danielbrun and I are quite busy so please please respect that it might take some days for us to answer. And please keep Q&A in the thread so newcomers can look at previous questions and answers. Now let's get to it! Here's the link to download a pdf of our presentation, the workflows we presented and any associated information and macros: (Warning it's 400mb due to data)
Thanks @Joe_Lipski & @danielbrun2, this was a great session to attend!