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Inspire Europe 2017 | Buzz

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Product Training at Inspire Europe 2017 | What you need to know

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

If you are signed up to attend any of the Alteryx Inspire Europe Product Training sessions, please note the following:


training data USB.jpgProduct Training Logistics


  • BYOD. No computers will be provided in the sessions. 
  • If you wish to follow along during the training sessions, you will need to bring a laptop with Alteryx Designer 10.1 or greater already installed and licensed. Please note that if you are attending the Predictive session, please download the predictive tool suite prior to the session to follow-along (  

 All training data files/workflows and trial license keys (if needed) can be accessed via Downloads - Inspire Europe 2017 Training Kit Zip.

  • The trial license key is stored within a folder named “_AlteryxTemporaryLicense” and has an expiration of September 19th, 2017.
  • If you do not have access to download data/zip files via the web, we will be providing USB drives at the conference that provide all of the training data and trial key information that you need.



Tuesday 12 September

10:30 - 12:30

Alteryx Fundamentals
Are you looking for your first foray into the Alteryx Designer? This introductory class will address concepts critical to your success: connecting to data, prepping data, understanding data types, blending data and outputting your results – all whilst addressing best practices.


14:00 - 15:30
Building Macros in Alteryx

Macros are an excellent way to turn your development into formal processed. This class will be an excellent fit for those who have a vast experience building workflows and are looking to build their first macros. In this class, learn about the three basic macros, how to differentiate between them, and the basic building blocks of a macro.


16:00 - 17:30
Implementing the Alteryx Server

This session is intended to provide an overview of the Alteryx Server and architecture, address how and when to scale, and how to provide ongoing support.



Wednesday 13 September

11:00 - 13:00

Predictive Basics
This session is designed for Alteryx users who want to add predictive analysis to their workflows. We'll walk through an overview of the recommended approach to predictive analytics within Alteryx which includes data preparation, data modeling and time series analysis


15:30 - 16:15
Alteryx Connect: Social Smart Data Discovery

Join this session to learn how the Alteryx Connect platform solves all the issues around data discovery, access requests, trusting what you find and then sharing those findings and spreading that tribal knowledge across your organization! Learn how Connect is a totally different approach to data cataloguing tools that are traditionally managed by IT — see how a business-led, self-service data platform provides social feedback directly into the hands of the business users and gets your analysts up-and-running in a fraction of the time.


 *All training sessions are located in the Product Training Room.