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Session Presentations

7 - Meteor

Are the slide decks from the Inspire 2019 sessions (both training and breakout) available to access? There were a few sessions I was in where the presenters said they slides would be made available, but haven't seen anything in regards to where to find these. 


Thanks in advance!

5 - Atom
Was wondering this too. Didn’t get to attend some sessions and would love to see a recording/slide deck from the session.
5 - Atom

Thanks Leah!

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Thanks for posting on the Buzz!  If you attended a session, you will receive the associated slide deck via email. As far as timing, the emails usually get distributed within a month after Inspire.


Also, I am unofficially encouraging speakers to share presentation materials here on the Buzz -- so hopefully we'll see some of those trickle in soon.

6 - Meteoroid

Leah, is this if I favorited a session or scanned the code?  I found out after the fact that there were codes to scan at the back of the room during the breakouts.  I definitely want to get the decks for the training classes I attended, but the breakouts would also be invaluable.





Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Good question @sjcrain79. If your badge was scanned by the event staff when you entered the room (which is how we track breakout session attendance/attendee's), you will receive the session materials via email.


Hopefully that makes sense.

7 - Meteor

@LeahK, this would be fine for the first day of breakout sessions, however on the second day for the last few sessions they were not scanning badges when you entered; at least this was the case for the last few sessions I attended. It sounds like unless the presenter shares their slide deck for those sessions we won't get the slides. 



6 - Meteoroid

Thanks, that's helpful.  I know my badge was scanned for the training sessions on Tuesday and the breakouts on Wednesday, but on Thursday I don't remember most of the breakouts having someone doing the scanning, they were more focused on dealing with being over capacity and counting. At least the sessions that I picked on Thursday were all very popular :)


I understand why all of the training sessions might be held back for the people who paid for the training, but I'd hoped that the breakouts would be open to all attendees.  

10 - Fireball

Question answered by continued reading :)


Would be nice to be able to delete posts instead of just editing! 

10 - Fireball

Definitely agree that access to materials beyond scanned sessions (i didn't get scanned for most of mine) is critical. 


IMO, with trainings all moving to paid to attend (this wasn't the case in 16 for sure and is unfortunate) training materials should also be made widely available.