Hey all, happy Inspire week!
Between sessions on Day 1, we played a rap battle video between a "data scientist" and a "classical statistician." If you were watching the chat feed, a bunch of you went crazy for the video so I thought I'd share it again here!
A little back story - we wanted to put out a podcast series looking at data science through the lens of statistics, then take a deep dive into causality. @SydneyF was our guest host for the series, and during a prep conversation with @NeilR and @TaraM, she described her vision of a "statistics vs. data science rap battle." The idea was born!
Video and podcast episode links below - enjoy!
Alter Everything podcast episode 43: Data science through the eyes of statisticians
Great, I really enjoyed that one!
Rebecca Perlmutter's performance on Day 3 starts just after minute 57:17.
@MaddieJ, thank you for researching the information on her, it is great to have her name.
Thanks for the heads up @VClark