Inspire 2017 | Tech Track Ideas

Shape the agenda. Submit your ideas for the Tech Track.

Be a part of shaping the Alteryx Technology Track, and make Inspire 2017 what you want it to be. The Alteryx Technology Track is delivered by our product management team, and the sessions provide best practices and details on existing and new features, how to use them, and example use cases. Learn the things you want to learn and suggest what you’d like to see from the Alteryx Product Management team. Please make sure to submit your suggestion before January 6, 2017, so we can begin to formally plan the sessions.

Here’s how to get started:

  1. Propose a Technology Track session topic and include a brief description of your thoughts.
  2. Vote for session topics you like by giving it a star. We'll be using the star count as a way to determine what to offer, so choose carefully! If you change your mind, you can always un-star via the idea options.

Ready? Set? Get your vote on!

Suggest an idea

The software development industry has best practices and software such as git that facilitates effective collaboration across multiple users. Alteryx has a slightly different model that doesn't lend itself to this method of managment.


I'd love to hear from from manager/s of large teams that have solved this problem. To wit:

- Do they use a third-party software or service as a VCS? If so, what and why?

- What traditional software development best practices do they use and which were rejected as not fitting the way Alteryx works?

- Have they solved the problem of forking/merging? How?

- How do they manage their macros as the number grows?

- Best practices around documentation?

I would like to see a session that reviews the dynamic tools with use cases. The dyamnic tools have good applications, but it would be nice to see how to transform a regular workflow into a dynamic one. It could go through the dynamic input, dynamic output, dynamic replace, and dynamic select.



Lot's of the data we have reside in unstructured or semi-structured sources...


Really would love to see best practice cases on parsing sources such as;

  • web pages with or without tables for competitior price monitoring
  • PDF documents like bunch of CV's for HR analytics
  • Lists of internal E-mail communications for auditing
  • Social media data like Facebook timeline


For the unstructured case;

  • Getting a series of photographs for analytics,
  • Radar, sonar or similar sound data for preventive maintenance into Alteryx

Presentation I'd like to see is workflow design patterns. I've seen the waterfall for fuzzy matching. What else is there?