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Inspire 2017 | Buzz

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Become an Icon of Analytics | Earn your first Inspire 2017 Badge! #alteryx17

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Are YOU coming to Las Vegas for Inspire 2017 to become an Icon of Analytics?  We hope to see you there!


If you answered YES, you’re only a few steps away from earning the first of many Inspire badges designed to encourage members of our Community to share their experience leading up to, during and after the event!













Here's what you need to do to earn the very first Inspire 2017 Community Badge:


   1)   Register for the conference.

   2)   If you aren’t already a member of the Alteryx Community, sign up today!

   3)   Post one of the following on the Inspire 2017 | Buzz:

  • Let us know you're coming by replying to this post and answering one or more of the following questions.

-  Name your Favorite Alteryx Icon.

-  Who inspires you?

-  What’s your Superpower?

-  Cirque Du Soleil or Blue Man Group?



Not yet registered? There’s still plenty of time to take advantage of early bird pricing which ends February 15th!

20 - Arcturus
20 - Arcturus
I'll see you there!
Alteryx ACE & Top Community Contributor

Chaos reigns within. Repent, reflect and restart. Order shall return.
Please Subscribe to my youTube channel.
12 - Quasar

-  Name your Favorite Alteryx Icon. The Input Tool. When coding, that was ridiculously more difficult. Now it's just drag and drop, and I can get started!


-  Who inspires you? Dr. James Schooley, my university limnology professor.


-  What’s your Superpower? Not sure, but I really enjoy saving people from brain-sucking work that can be automated.

















-  Cirque Du Soleil or Blue Man Group? Blue Man Group

8 - Asteroid

Name your Favorite Alteryx Icon.


Who inspires you? 

 Alteryx Community


What’s your Superpower?



Cirque Du Soleil or Blue Man Group?

Cirque Du Soleil

20 - Arcturus
20 - Arcturus



Thanks :)

Alteryx ACE & Top Community Contributor

Chaos reigns within. Repent, reflect and restart. Order shall return.
Please Subscribe to my youTube channel.
12 - Quasar

Blue Man Group


7 - Meteor

Cirque Du Soleil

11 - Bolide

-  Name your Favorite Alteryx Icon. AdamAndyMarqueeMakoLoveDrummey (A hero hybrid I created in my super genius laboratory)

-  Who inspires you? See above!

-  What’s your Superpower? I have pixie dust. I sprinkle it on workflows and workbooks and get responses like, "It can't be that simple!" or "Are you kidding me?"

-  Cirque Du Soleil or Blue Man Group? Ooh, tough one. But I'm going with Cirque Du Soleil

@thizviz aka cbridges, Bolide
8 - Asteroid

Love me some Alteryx Pixie dust, nice one!


~ Nathan

8 - Asteroid

Blue Man Group - if only for Arrested Development....

5 - Atom

Blue Man group.