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Indianapolis, IN

Welcome to the Indianapolis User Group

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Welcome to the Greater Indianapolis User Group

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Welcome to the Greater Indianapolis User Group! My name is Patrick Digan @patrick_digan and I will be leading this group along with Dulton Moore @DultonM and Jarrod Thuener @jarrod.  As a way for everyone to get to know each other, reply with answers to the following questions:


  1. What’s your name and what industry do you hail from?
  2. How long have you been using alteryx?
  3. What Alteryx Tool/Feature do you like the most?
  4. What Alteryx Tool/Feature do you want to learn more about?

I'll start things off:

    1. Patrick Digan. I work for an insurance company.

    2. 1.5 years.

    2. Batch macros-I can always find a way to sneak a batch macro into a workflow.

    3. R-I've only scratched the surface, but I'm excited about being able to leverage the power of R in my alteryx workflows.

6 - Meteoroid


  1. My name is Mike Erickson and I am in the Supply Chain Management Industry.
  2. I have been using Alteryx for almost a year.
  3. The Data Cleansing and Field Summary tools are two of my favorites. 
  4. I would like to better understand the interface tools. 
5 - Atom

I'm excited to be a part of the Alteryx in the Indianapolis area and look forward to more opportunities to interact.


I had a trial of Alteryx and wish I could use it more. There are so many possibilities... 


1. What’s your name and what industry do you hail from? Bryan Chisholm, Medical Devices
2. How long have you been using alteryx? about 1 month
3. What Alteryx Tool/Feature do you like the most? Join & Union, how could you blend data without these tools?
4. What Alteryx Tool/Feature do you want to learn more about? Text processing and clean up & maybe the address matching tools


Thanks to Alteryx, I now have R installed on my computer and have been playing with R scripts some. I hope to do more of that in the future.

5 - Atom
  1. Eric Morgan and the medical device industry
  2. I've been using Alteryx for 5.5 years
  3. Fuzzy Matching
  4. Download
8 - Asteroid

Hello Everyone!


1.  My name is Allison Berry and I am from the Utility industry

2.  About 5 minutes  ;-)

3.  So far, the blending but I just got started



Allison Berry


6 - Meteoroid

Hi Everyone, 


1.) Colin Thornburg --- Insurance/Financial Services industry

2.) I've been taking advantage of multiple trials off/on for the last year or so but finally became an official customer a couple of months ago

3.) Dynamic Input, Output tool (directly to Tableau Server)

4.) batch macros, predictive tools and DataRobot partnership



Hey, I know you @aberry0613 !

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Welcome aboard Allison! Looking forward to working with you. Let me know how I can help.


Jesse Kellner


Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Already busting out the Dynamic Input Tool?! Impressive...


Jesse Kellner


11 - Bolide

Hello everyone!


  1. Rick Paugh.  Medical devices industry.
  2. About 1 year.
  3. Gallery apps/ability to create custom plugins.
  4. Anything around data mining/predictive/prescriptive.
5 - Atom

Excited to join this group! Is there a meeting for Q2 or Q3 scheduled? Is this the best place for information?




  1. Brad Brechbuhl. I've mainly worked in the Insurance industry.
  2. About 2 years
  3. Predictive and Geospatial Tools. If I had to pick one "general tool" I'd say the Formula tool since it's widely used.
  4. Loops
17 - Castor
17 - Castor

@Buhler Welcome to the group! This is the best place. We're currently picking out a date in August for our next meeting. Stay tuned.