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Indianapolis, IN

Welcome to the Indianapolis User Group

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Welcome to the Greater Indianapolis User Group

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Welcome to the Greater Indianapolis User Group! My name is Patrick Digan @patrick_digan and I will be leading this group along with Dulton Moore @DultonM and Jarrod Thuener @jarrod.  As a way for everyone to get to know each other, reply with answers to the following questions:


  1. What’s your name and what industry do you hail from?
  2. How long have you been using alteryx?
  3. What Alteryx Tool/Feature do you like the most?
  4. What Alteryx Tool/Feature do you want to learn more about?

I'll start things off:

    1. Patrick Digan. I work for an insurance company.

    2. 1.5 years.

    2. Batch macros-I can always find a way to sneak a batch macro into a workflow.

    3. R-I've only scratched the surface, but I'm excited about being able to leverage the power of R in my alteryx workflows.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

@Buhler We've posted a new message in the User Group page. Our meeting will be August 17th from 2-4pm. 

5 - Atom

Awesome, thanks for the mention! I just saw the message come through. I'm located in Indianapolis so I'm doubtful to attend in person in Fort Wayne. I'd be happy to inquire about using our facility for the next meeting. I work at CNO Financial and we are located in Carmel.

6 - Meteoroid


  • What’s your name and what industry do you hail from? Keith Harbeson, I work for a kitchen cabinet manufacturer in Supply Chain.
  • How long have you been using alteryx? It will be a year in September 2018
  • What Alteryx Tool/Feature do you like the most? I have to pick ONE? Honestly, I think it is the yxdb database format, as insignificant as that seems. The speed you can read and process huge files in that format is very beneficial. That and the humble join tool that can provide so much power.
  • What Alteryx Tool/Feature do you want to learn more about? Sounds like I need to look into batch macros! What is that?! You guys love it!


5 - Atom

Peter Honious  

Health Care

Just about a year

Being able to read in data from multiple sources, and duplicate checking

I am a newbee, we would like to use it more to help with data transformation and validation


5 - Atom

Hello, I am a little late to this, I have been on here a while but here we go... 



  • What’s your name and what industry do you hail from?
    • My name is Beau Berge
    • I work for a wireless carrier
  • How long have you been using alteryx?
    • About 5 years
  • What Alteryx Tool/Feature do you like the most?
    • Probably the comment tool, or else I forget why I did something in particular within the module
  • What Alteryx Tool/Feature do you want to learn more about?
    • I would like to get better with the Regex syntax, I only recently started using it



7 - Meteor
  1. What’s your name and what industry do you hail from?
    1. Lynette Jackson
  2. How long have you been using alteryx?
    1. New 08/01/2020 and learning
  3. What Alteryx Tool/Feature do you like the most?
    1. Data Cleansing Tool
  4. What Alteryx Tool/Feature do you want to learn more about?
    1. All Tools and Features
7 - Meteor
  1. Hi, my name is Lynette Jackson I work for clinical trial and Pharm industry.
  2. 6 months.
  3. Data Profile Tool
  4. All,  I am very new.
5 - Atom

1. Hello, I'm Kate Francis.  I've worked in several industries in the last 20 years, all in engineering, data analytics, process improvement, and project management capacities.

2. I've been using Alteryx for 1.5 years.

3. The Heritage Group implemented the entire suite in December 2020: Designer, Connect, Server.  What I like most is how they all work together to support our business intelligence initiatives.

4. I'm interested in learning more about the development of analytics apps on Server.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Hello, @kfrancis and thank you for sharing your experience using Alteryx! It is awesome to see the multiple ways to work with our products and your excitement on learning more! 

Flávia Brancato
7 - Meteor

HI!   I know the original post was from 2016, but I just now joined and am looking forward to the events!


  1. I'm Kristina and I work in Financial Services/Insurance
  2. 4-5 years?
  3. TIE!  Select and Join
  4. Macros.  Tools I may not know about.  Predictive tools.