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2021 Q4 Meeting Recap

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Good Monday Morning Everyone!


I hope you're all well rested after the weekend and ready to tackle another week of Alteryxing. 


Here are some discussion points and resources talked about during our meeting last Friday:

  • @NicoleJohnson first introduced us to interface tools and apps. she also provided us with lots of great resources to get started with apps:
    • Articles

Tool Mastery | Apps and Macros (an introduction to apps & macros)

Tool Mastery | Action (a deeper dive into configuring the Action tool, which makes the magic happen!)

App Building Guidelines (super old article, but still has some excellent advice for best practices)

    • Training

Interactive Lessons | Creating Analytic Apps (short interactive videos demonstrating some of the key features/options/functionality of the interface tools used in building apps)

Advanced Certification Prep | Part 3: Building Apps (hour long video covering the basics of interface tools and app building – great resource if you’re working on your Advanced certification too!)

    • Weekly Challenges

Weekly Challenge Index (look for challenges that include “interface” in the Main Subject column)

Santalytics 2020 (last year’s challenge was based on building an app, and resources included a great listing of articles, videos, blogs, and specific Weekly Challenges that might help you with your apps!)

  • Our very own @jarrod created an awesome BINGO game that attendees played during the first talk and @dillon_bok was our big winner!
  • @patrick_digan wrapped up the meeting by walking us through a fantastic crossword puzzle full of tricky Alteryx trivia clues

Here is the meeting recording: 


Thanks to all who were able to attend and participate! Have a great holiday season and see you all next year!

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Here are the crossword puzzles! The password is "alteryx" if you want to unlock the sheets. I used this site to generate the crossword and then I manually copied it to excel.

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Here is a very detailed walkthrough of @NicoleJohnson's Naughty/Nice list app. 

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

It was so much fun, guys! 

Thank you @Kenda@patrick_digan, and @jarrod to put together another successful meeting! 😀

Flávia Brancato
ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

Hey all,


Attached are the two workflows that enabled the Bingo game to run during the meeting. You'll need a way to post the pages - i used xampp for the meeting, then shut it down afterwards and I set the "Bingo Monitor Boards" workflow to run every minute and pull the newest list of words from google sheets. 

