Want to be able to productionalize your workflow and then go on vacation and not worry? Hear advice and best practices from experts on how to "vacation proof" your workflow.
https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_NDRiNjZiYzQtMjNkNC00ZjM1LWFiY2MtNDU5N2Q1ZTBkO...Want to be able to productionalize your workflow and then go on vacation and not worry? Hear advice and best practices from experts on how to "vacation proof" your workflow.
Join us in our first session in the series on December 12 at 9AM PT for a guided discussion hosted by @MeganBowers and featuring our experts, @JosephSerpis @MarqueeCrew and @AbhilashR. You will have a chance to ask any questions you have about the topic during a Q&A at the end of the event.
Have a question or topic you want covered during the event? Leave a reply in this thread or comment your question below.
Don't miss out on the first session in this series, RSVP by clicking "Yes" on the right and add to your calendar today!
Will this be recorded? I have a conflict but I'm super interested in this topic!
@severhart yes, this will be recorded. I'll post the recording here once the recording is available.
Excited to see the RSVPs coming in! Don't forget to comment any questions on this topic that you would like answered either here or on the discussion thread!
Hello everyone! The recording is now posted in our discussion thread for this event. If you were not able to join us earlier today, then you can watch the webinar on your own time. Also, if you have follow-up questions or tips you would like to share on this topic, please use the same discussion thread to keep the conversation going.
Always good to hear best practices being implemented across different scenarios and organizations. Thank you for your time today, everyone!
Everyone will have the opportunity to test vacation-proofing methods soon enough!!
Happy holidays!!
It was a good session to be part of. Thanks @MarqueeCrew @AbhilashR @JosephSerpis for your time and answering all of our questions.