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North West, UK User Group Meeting - Hybrid

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Published on ‎06-19-2023 11:52 AM by 11 - Bolide | Updated on ‎07-21-2023 09:09 AM


Time is flying in and it's time for the Alteryx lovers in the North West to unite again. This time we have an Alteryx Ace dialling in to give us a talk on reporting, discussions on macros and how great they are along with an open forum, where we can chat as a group on a range of topics, if there is anything in particular you would like brought up please leave a comment, email us at or simply shout it out on the day.


For those coming in person please arrive early to allow us to check you into the building. Check in will be available from 17:50 and will cut off at 18:10 to minimise disruption. If you know you will be running late please contact us so we can make arrangements for you. 




  • How to streamline your reporting with Alteryx? - Emil Kos
  • The what's why's and how's of all things macro - Isobel Lowry
  • Open forum
  • Alteryx Quiz (with all new Maveryx merch up for grabs)



PwC Office Manchester

No 1, Crown Square, 1 Hardman Square, Manchester M3 3EB



26th July 2023 18:00 - 20:00


Register now! 


See you there, 


Your North West, UK User Group Leaders

Featured Guests
11 - Bolide
11 - Bolide

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

6 - Meteoroid

Event has ended
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Wed, Jul 26, 2023 10:00 AM PDT
Wed, Jul 26, 2023 12:00 PM PDT
No.1 Spinningfields, 1 Hardman Street, Manchester M3 3EB, UK
Labels (5)
10 - Fireball
10 - Fireball

Please will you confirm - is this on the 26th or 27th of July? In the narrative it says the 26th, but on the calendar it says the 27th.

Although on second glance, looking at the times for the 27th, I expect the 26th is correct. I'm guessing this is a timezone error.


Hey Puffin, it was a timezone issue, thanks for pointing it out.


I've fixed it now :)

11 - Bolide
11 - Bolide

The event is preventing me from attaching the meeting link - so here it is

11 - Bolide
11 - Bolide

Hey Everyone, apologies for that issue, please use this link

11 - Bolide
11 - Bolide

Hello again, please rejoin us for Alteryx Crossword and open forum if you would like on this link:

10 - Fireball
10 - Fireball

I'm very proud to present my first macro with it's own image (following the advice of Izzy at the user group) MPC cleanse.jpg


This is a simple macro that takes a product code (MPC) which might have spaces, punctuation, etc included and cleans all of that out giving a standardised (cleansed) MPC. It's something that I do repeatedly, so having a macro to do it makes sense. And thanks to Izzy's advice, I've added an image. It's colour coded (the frame) so that we know it's me that's created it. My other team members will each have a different frame colour.


Sometimes it's the simple things that make us happy.


Thanks again for the advice, Izzy.


Nicola (PuffinPanic)

I love this so much :) especially leveraging the border to highlight you made it to the team.

You can also add details into the metadata for the tool, for things lile your name, details on the tool and even search tags :)

Cant wait to see what you do next :D


I knew there was a way to do that, but I couldn't remember (or figure out at the time) how. I'll have another look for it next time I have a few minutes free (it could be a while!)



11 - Bolide
11 - Bolide

Well that was another fun session, great seeing so many users come out to meet in person, as well as the chunk online.

Thanks again to @Emil_Kos for taking us through so many interesting tools and design patterns, I'm sure our users will be able to implement these into their own builds going forward. 
Unfortunately this segment was not able to be recorded, so anyone who missed the session will have to keep an eye out for different events that have Emil as a guest :)

The macro slides are included in the attached deck, it's great to see that the theory has already been put to use  :)


17 - Castor
17 - Castor

It was a pleasure to present on your user group 😀


Thank you for having me and I hope participants enjoyed my session 😉 See all of you probably during Inspire conference!