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Santalytics 2019 | Clue #3

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team



In search of remnants following the devastating antimatter-matter explosion, sucking Santa deep into a black hole, Santa’s Reindeer went on a quest to uncover clues lost in the Alteryx Community.

If you have no idea what I’m talking about, check out SANTALYTICS 2019 | Oh no! Santa’s lost in time!  We look forward to your participation!


Prancer loves to prance around and while prancing happily he runs into Mrs Claus.

Talking with Mrs. Claus about Santa missing, she tells Prancer that the head elf MrSmartyPants was working on a project that might help the reindeer get Santa back. 




What Prancer found out was that MrSmaryPants was looking at the elves time cards to see the difference between the elves downtime and production time to make sure everyone was pulling their weight. He knew he could use Alteryx to solve the issue, but in order for him to resolve the issue, he needed to know how to find the min/max within a date range to be able to report on his data. So he posted to the Community a specific day for a sample for the Alteryx Community to help with. 

Prancer knew that if he could find this discussion and the day number he could help Rudolph analyze the data to find Santa.

Alas! He found a pattern.

Clue #3


Find the day used in the sample in Designer Discussions.


Hold onto your answer. You'll need it to complete the final challenge on December 16.

Are you stumped? Feel free to reply to this thread with questions.

Additional information along with contest terms can be found here.

Be sure to tune in tomorrow for Clue #4!

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