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Learning Alteryx

5 - Atom

Our course this semester requires us to learn Alteryx. I think Alteryx is great even though I find it complicated to use. I think I will become more proficient in using various functions of ALteryx through my continuous learning and practice. In addition, please give me some suggestions on learning Alteryx. Thanks!

7 - Meteor

Hey ZhonghanSun!

It's awesome that you're excited about learning Alteryx, even though you're finding it a bit complicated at first. With continuous learning and practice, I'm sure you'll become more proficient in using the program and its various functions.

As for suggestions on learning Alteryx, here are a few tips:

  1. Take advantage of the Alteryx Community: This is a great resource for learning how to use the program, and for getting help from other users. There are also a ton of useful articles, tutorials, and sample workflows available.

  2. Watch tutorial videos: Alteryx has a ton of tutorial videos available on their website and on YouTube. These videos can be a great way to learn about the various tools and functions available in Alteryx, and how to use them effectively.

  3. Practice with sample workflows: Alteryx provides a number of sample workflows that you can download and use to practice working with the program. This can be a great way to get hands-on experience and learn by doing.

  4. Attend training sessions or webinars: Alteryx offers a number of training sessions and webinars that can be a great way to learn more about the program and its various features.

Hope these suggestions help you as you continue to learn Alteryx!

12 - Quasar

Good Afternoon @ZhonghanSun I have two links here that will be great help to you when it comes to learning Altyerx:


Link 1: This will take you to the interactive lessons page which will allow you to take lessons and dive deeper into various areas of Altyerx. 


Link 2: This link will take you over to the weekly challenges which will allow you to validate what you are learning in Alteryx you can also choose to take challenges that focus on certain subject areas.


Hopefully you find these helpful 😀

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