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Competition is a Motivator to Up Your skills. How do you do it?

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

 Now that we have launched Alteryx Fanalytics, also a great partnership with McLaren, plus the Alteryx Grand Prix going into its 15th year, we’ve seen competition be a part of the Alteryx experience continue to grow. That made me think of a question. Most people have a little competitiveness in them and to be competitive you must practice. So the question is, whether your working towards winning the Grand Prix or competing with your fellow coworkers to become the Alteryx advocate in your organization, @kelsey_kincaid and @johnemery  what steps and cadence do you use to up your skills in Alteryx?


Would love to hear what the rest of the Community has to say as well!



17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Running a CoE in a large corporation - fostering competition is a great way to get everyone excited and pumped up about using Alteryx to make their jobs better in quality and quantity. 


We run challenges - particularly innovation challenges, hackatons (Datathons as Alteryx coins them), and even big C-level facing challenges that showcases innovation and ingenuity with Alteryx. The good part is that the competition is healthy, and we always encourage people to learn from others - especially from the Alteryx community itself. 


One take away that my org is seeing is that competition is needed to drive people - I think it's innate in all of us to compete to be the best versions of ourselves. 

Calvin Tang
Alteryx ACE
6 - Meteoroid

To up your skills in Alteryx, Kelsey Kincaid and John Emery recommend setting regular learning goals, practicing with real data, participating in the Alteryx community, attending training sessions and webinars, and experimenting with new tools and techniques.


KanTime Medicare

13 - Pulsar

Hello @DanM ,

I would use the term competition with cautionsness, not because it's bad but because it means being better than someone else. So, I'm in competition with other vendors but not with my coworkers. In fact, one of my goals is even to make them better and if they become better than me, that's great ! That's emulation. On the other side, I try to improve my own skills, but not to be better than my coworker, more for being better than competitors and to be frank, because I love my job and I'm curious.

So what I do :

-training for certification
-writing training support (and re-reading it every time a new release is coming to see if I can improve it)
-reading the blog posts, there are always good ideas it it
-sadly I can't find time for challenges (Alteryx is only 2/5 of my time)
-writing documentation on what I find useful and reusable

-attending some webinars (one yesterday about value capture)

writing is a big part of what I do because to do that you must understand, you can't cheat.

Best regards,


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