I have created a basic table and i am looking for a way where the tool color codes the column header to red when that column is blank. I have tried using the row rules but i am unable to apply formula when i select Column headers.
I think this post will help you: https://community.alteryx.com/t5/Alteryx-Designer-Discussions/Table-column-heading-rule-based-highli...
The solution depends on the data type of the column you want to apply conditional formatting to.
Hi @KimLamNg thank you very much for your response to my question. I did give try using this process but unable to arrive at the desired results. Hence i thought i could explain my question via example. In the attached excel file contains the attendance list where column A represent employee name and remaining date columns represent whether the employee is present for that day. If the dates column contain and "X" for respective employee then it represents that the employee was present for that particular day. Now what i am trying to find is an conditional formatting where the date header turns red when all the employees are absent for that particular day. Please do provide your guidance.