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Alteryx Test preparation

5 - Atom


my name is Michael Hutchings, and I am currently in an information technology class and new to Alteryx. I just watched videos on learning Alteryx, and I am enjoying learning about all the different features that the software has. What is the best way to study for the certification exam? Also, if I don't pass, is there a method to study to help prepare me for my next attempt? 



Thank you, 

Michael Hutchings 

16 - Nebula

Hi @hutchisclutch !


What is the best way is a tough question, you probably gonna find the best way for you.


For me, what worked was that after some job experience with the software (could be some experience with week chalenges too) i just tried the exam to see how it was. It`s free and you can just try again after some time. After 1 try, even if you do not pass, you gonna understand better how the exam works, what topics they usually ask, the speed that is required for you to answer each question, etc. 


So i would say, just take the exam and reflect on it after and on the results that you got. Do not be afraid of trying more than 1 time :).


17 - Castor
17 - Castor



I echo everything @Felipe_Ribeir0 said. There's also a prep guide that will help focus your review:

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