Discussion thread for day 3 of the Advent of Code - https://adventofcode.com/2024/day/3
I took a long way round - going to go back and have a look at some of the pure regex solutions like @clmc9601
as always - full solutions are here: SeanAdams10/AdventOfCodePython: Advent of code challenges in Python - across multiple years
Tool golf was fun after wrapping my head around it. Starting to get festive.
Embarrassed I completely forgot to post my solution! 😫
With that I just say..... Welcome to Advent of Code. Better get over it now because I assure you there are tons more where that came from! Great work overcoming the challenge!
Forgot to post day 1 and 2, but here is day 3
Oh, believe me, I know . . . I just haven't committed to grousing about it in a semi-public forum in previous years! 😉
Nice RegEx refresher to get in the groove