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i'm trying to move from the dev to prod , the input will be the same , but i have to change the output data base .
is theire any way to do it automotically for the whole project
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You can use alias database : one alias in the workflow but referenced different environment depending on where the workflow is run.
Please have a look to this post that will give you more information :
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In addition , you could use workflow user variables.
First you configure your input tool, for instance, this way :
Then you create a user variable (for instance, DB_ALIAS):
And then you can use it this way into your Input data configuration
This way, if you have to use multiple Input / Ouput tool, you can easily switch from dev to prod by changind the value of your variable.
In addition, If you transform your workflow into an analytic app, you could also let the user choose on which env the workflow should run