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Email Alert : Send multiple emails to multiple groups of people without using the Filter


I am working on a workflow for epidemiological surveillance. The workflow sent alerts by email has a group of people for each health establishment who reported more than the surveillance threshold.
I was able to set this up and get the alerts, but I used the filter tool to manage the groups when sending. Which is a lot of Filter, because we have thousands of health establishments.

My goal is to send alerts while respecting the health pyramid:
1/ The group in each region receives alerts from all health posts in the districts it administers;
2/ The group in each district receives alerts from all the health posts it administers;
3/ The health posts only receive alerts of their own.

I am attaching sample alert data output .xlsx and the report part of the workflow.



14 - Magnetar
14 - Magnetar

Bonjour @dkande,


voici une méthode pour réaliser votre demande, à affiner en fonction de votre besoin mais avec quelques éléments de contexte:

  1. j'utilise un record ID pour créer un identifiant unique par ligne
  2. J'utilise ce même record ID ensuite pour créer un tableau pour chaque record ID en utilisant la fonction de group by sur l'outil table
  3. J'utilise une jointure sur le record ID pour avoir le bon texte en face de chaque tableau
  4. J'utilise un layout pour avoir une mise en forme pour chacun de mes éléments
  5. enfin j'utilise le mail

Je vous ai attaché le workflow packagé, dites moi si cela vous convient!


Hi @Ladarthure ,


Thanks for your input on my problem. I looked at your proposal and I think we are on the right track. I think I need to be more explicit about my problem. If we take a good look at the .xlsx file




we notice column names like:
- Region: higher level and each region name constitutes a group;
- District: intermediate level each district name constitutes a group;
- Health post: operational level, no group.


1. For the first Region column, all rows with the same name constitute a group, and must receive an email.


- For example

 "RM Dakar" receve



 "RM Diourbel" receve


 - etc.


2/ For the second District column, all rows with the same name constitute a group, and must receive an email.


- For example :

  "Dakar Centre" receve



 "Dakar Ouest" receve



"Diourbel" receve





How do you do this without going through the Alteryx filter tool, because we have thousands of healthcare establishments?



14 - Magnetar
14 - Magnetar

Hi again @dkande


I modifies the workflow to make one report per granurality level, one for region, one for region/district and the most detailled one. I can't thionk of another way to do it. (I did not add the email tool at the end.


Hi @Ladarthure ,

Thanks for your return. The problem is solved thanks to your inputs.

Thank you for your availability and see you soon !!!🤝

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