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How did you learn Alteryx?

8 - Asteroid

Hi everyone,


As another source of information for new and experienced users I thought we could share our learning experiences with Alteryx. I know most of the learning comes with trial and error, but it's always nice to look at some examples or tutorials when you're starting.


The way I started learning was through the Self-Paced exercises on the Alteryx website. Having no prior experience with the software I thought doing the beginner exercises would give me a good introduction to the tool, each exercise has a video explaining the tools required.I would spend about 15-30 mins trying to solve each exercise and would check the answer after. If I got it right, great, but some times I got stuck and couldn't finish the exercise, thankfully Alteryx also provided us the answers and I would compare my approach to the solution presented.


After I got familiar with the evironment and some of its tools I moved on to the intermediate exercises, specifically doing exercises with tools I would be using on my day-to-day work, such as the fuzzy matching, creating a macro and creating analytic apps. After this I was very comfortable with Alteryx, I learned most of the tools during training and also learned about the community, which has lots of information.


That's all for today,
