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Dublin, IRL

Welcome to the Dublin User Group

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Recording of Q4 Ireland User Group meeting

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Hello everyone,


Thank you to those who were able to join the Q4 Dublin Alteryx User Group last week. 


It was a very good and interactive session with a deep dive into some of the key highlights from 2024.2 release by David Pansegrouw and a presentation from Daniel Doran who us the insights into how Primark is leveraging the Alteryx Intelligence Suite to automate ESG data processes. Daniel dived into the project which is currently underway and how it’s driving compliance, efficiency and cost reductions for the retail company.


The recording is now available for anyone who couldn't attend and if you have any follow up questions, please post them here in our User Group space and we’ll get back to you!


Video recording: Access HERE

Passcode: PSXX=j=7


Link to the blog David shared: The Customer Love Chronicles: One Whole Year of Delightful Designer Stories


We are planning to bring back in-person user groups in 2025 and we will let you know as soon as a date and venue are organised for our Q1 meeting next year.


In the meantime we wish all the user group members and their families a joyful Christmas and peaceful New Year!