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4th Dublin Alteryx Meet-Up

7 - Meteor

Hi Dublin Alteryx User Group!


We are pleased to invite you to the next meet-up, hosted at ACIA, on the 26th October at 6pm. Preliminary agenda below.


Intro & What’s New in Alteryx

6:00 to 6:15: Welcome & Introductions

6:15 to 6:30: Review of the Alteryx Inspire Europe Conference (Giuseppe Tortorici, BI & Visualisation Manager, Aon)

6:30 to 6:45: What’s New: Alteryx Connect, Alteryx Promote and Alteryx Certification

Use Cases

6:45 to 7:00: Email Network Analysis (Tesfaye Onsho, BI Developer, Aon)

7:00 to 7:15: Downloading and Parsing HTML Tables – an analysis of running data (Ollie Power, BI Team Lead, Aon)

7:15 to 8:00: Networking and discussion – bring your own Alteryx use cases!


Please sign-up on our eventbrite page


If you have any ideas or suggestions for the meetup, please let us know!


Hope to see you there,


9 - Comet

Looking forward to the meetup tomorrow!
See you all soon!

8 - Asteroid

Hi Raphael,

great to hear that you are coming. see you tomorrow!

5 - Atom



Thank you for organizing this event !


Looking forward to hear about Alteryx, and especially the certification program.



8 - Asteroid

Looking forward to meeting this evening.

I heard Giuseppe Tortorici speak at Alteryx Inspire event in London, he was very good.

Best wishes.


5 - Atom
Hi, can you let us know if there will be another one on the cards before the year gets out please.
Thank you
8 - Asteroid

Thanks for asking this question ... you are reading my mind!

I am considering giving a presentation at a future event (early in 2018).

Maybe if no event organised before year end then just a get together for Christmas pints? ... just a suggestion.

7 - Meteor

Hi @RebeccaRoland


Great to hear your enthusiasm!


We are planning to have the next meetup in January and will put the invite up here on the user group. However, if anyone wants to host a meetup before then, they are very welcome and we can help out!


@wade12makes the good suggestion of getting together for a few drinks before Christmas!


As always, everyone is welcome to speak at the meetups so let us know if you would like to show an interesting Alteryx use case at the next meetup!



7 - Meteor



It was nice seeing you all again and also nice to meet new Alteryx users. 


Looking forward to the next meet up.





5 - Atom
Yaaaas, Christmas meet up.

Rebecca Roland
Informatics Consultant | Cloudstream Partners

Tweet: @RebeccaJRoland | @cloudstream_uk
Mobile: 07487 552076