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Dallas-Ft. Worth, TX

Welcome to the Dallas-Ft. Worth User Group

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Save the Date for the DFW Alteryx User Group Meeting in Fort Worth, last week of August!

12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

Hi, Dallas/Fort Worth Alteryx User Group Members!  Please save the date for the upcoming DFW Alteryx User Group meeting, to be held in Fort Worth!  The location is being finalized, and more information will be posted very soon (in the next day or so), along with an Eventbrite invitation to RSVP.  The meeting date will be during the last week of August, tentatively scheduled for the afternoon of either Wednesday, August 29, or Thursday, August 30.  (Confirmation of the date to follow soon as well.)  Apologies for the delays in location and date; even with venue changes, we will find a way to host our user group meetings!  :)  


The topic for this meeting will be Reporting Tools in Alteryx; using the suite of tools that allow you to create automated reports, including those that can be "burst" and distributed throughout an organization.  Tips and Tricks with Reports will also be shown, such as creating a FilePath, then utilizing the FilePath to create directories, sub-directories and report titles, based on fields within the dataset.


Please stay tuned for more information regarding the upcoming meeting for our Fort Worth area users; thank you, and we hope to see you there!


