Dallas-Ft. Worth, TX

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Review Alteryx on Gartner Peer Insights - Receive a $25 Gift Card

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hello DFW User Group!


Gartner is gathering reviews on the Alteryx platform from users on their Peer Insights site. I’d like to invite all current customers to take a few minutes to leave a review about your experience with Alteryx. As a thank you for your time, Gartner will send a $25 Visa gift card. Please make sure to use your business email as Gartner may need to verify you are indeed a user.


To get started you can follow the link here: https://gtnr.io/OwgeV9Km3


If you would prefer to leave a charitable donation instead of receiving a gift card you can go here: https://gtnr.io/BDiQRPZve


For any questions please feel free to reach out to alteryxadvocacy@alteryx.com