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Dallas-Ft. Worth, TX

Welcome to the Dallas-Ft. Worth User Group

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Dallas/Fort Worth Alteryx User Group Meeting, Thursday, October 29th!

12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

Hi, Dallas / Fort Worth Alteryx Users!  You are invited to the next DFW Alteryx User Group meeting, which will be Thursday, October 29th, from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Central time, with a Halloween theme!


For this virtual meeting, we are excited to feature Alteryx ACE Chris Lewis, Alteryx Team Lead at Whole Foods Market in Austin, Texas!  Chris is highly experienced in custom API development in Alteryx, and will present how to utilize various APIs within the platform.  I personally have seen some of his API work, and his techniques to connect to various websites are awesome!


The second half of the meeting will showcase Tricks and Treats in Alteryx; Chris and I will combine our experience and knowledge of the intricacies of Alteryx and present numerous Tips and Tricks!  Many of these are time-saving tips that make your life even easier and your work even faster.  🙂


In keeping with the Halloween theme, we invite all attendees to join the Zoom meeting in costume/cosplay!  Please feel free to dress in your Halloween costume or favorite cosplay - if you don't have a costume, you are invited to attend in "casual cosplay".  What is "casual cosplay", you may ask?  Well, it is when one dresses in business casual or other style of clothing, yet with colors and accents representing a favorite character!  For example, a black jacket, grey dress shirt, grey pants and black boots, plus a utility belt equals "Batman"!


For those who may not be able to attend this meeting, we would love if you could send a photo of your costume/cosplay, and we will share it during the meeting as well!  Please send to my address at ; we look forward to seeing your creative costumes!


Please forward this invitation to anyone who may be interested in Alteryx; we welcome all levels of users, plus all who would like to learn about the platform.  Our user groups are created "by users, for users", and we are here to help you learn about Alteryx, discover new ways to perform data analytics, and network with your fellow Alteryxians!  We look forward to seeing you at the meeting!


@Deanna and the Dallas Alteryx User Group Leadership Team


Please join the meeting at the following Zoom link: is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: DFW Alteryx User Group October Meeting
Time: Oct 29, 2020 02:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 862 5419 8083
Passcode: 891417
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Meeting ID: 862 5419 8083
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12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

Hi, user group members!  It appears something happened with the Zoom meeting connection; Chris and I are still in the meeting, if you would like to rejoin.  It was great that Chris' presentation was able to be seen for the first half!  🙂  Thanks again!



12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

Hi, DFW Alteryx User Group members!  Thank you for joining the October meeting; we were honored to have Alteryx ACE Chris Lewis, Alteryx Team Lead at Whole Foods Market in Austin, Texas as our guest presenter on utilizing APIs in Alteryx!


Chris showed some amazing uses of APIs, including a download of NASA's Image of the Day, which is attached to this post as a .yxmd.  This is one of my favorite workflows of Chris' creation, and it is fun to run the workflow each day and discover the latest photo!


He also created some API workflows on the fly during the meeting, showing step by step how to use the tools.  Also attached is Chris' PowerPoint deck, with excellent information on various API resources.  Check out slide 23 for some fun and interesting links!


Thank you, @cplewis90 , for being our presenter and enlightening us in the realm of API workflows!  We look forward to collaborating with you again in the future!


