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Dallas-Ft. Worth, TX

Welcome to the Dallas-Ft. Worth User Group

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Dallas/Fort Worth Alteryx User Group Meeting, Thursday, January 31st!

12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

You are invited to the upcoming Dallas/Fort Worth Alteryx User Group Meeting on Thursday, January 31st!


Start the New Year with learning and networking with your fellow Dallas/Fort Worth Alteryx User Group members!  Our first meeting of 2019 will be hosted by Teknion Data Solutions, a consulting firm specializing in business intelligence, data warehousing and advanced analytics.  The meeting will be held at their corporate office location, 1431 Greenway Drive, Irving, Texas, 75038, from 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.  Please join us in the conference room on the 1st floor; refreshments and snacks will be served.


For this inaugural meeting of the year, we are hosting an Alteryx Doctor Session!  Bring your laptops and Alteryx questions, and user group members will assist you with reviewing issues and researching solutions.  Please submit your questions via this online Google Doc form; depending on the number of questions received, some solutions will be provided on the projector screen to enable you to take notes!  (Please note:  We request that you do not include any proprietary, confidential or sensitive data or information when requesting assistance through this form or at the session.)  Google Doc Alteryx Doctor Session Form


The meeting will wrap up with a presentation by the Leadership Team on 2019 Plans and Goals.  We have many ideas for meeting topics and events, and we would love to hear from you, our members, on what you would like to see, learn and do for the upcoming year.  A survey will be distributed during the meeting as well, so please attend and provide important feedback as we focus on the new year.


To reserve your spot today, please RSVP using this Eventbrite invitation; seating is limited, and our meetings sell out fast!


Free parking is available in Visitor parking and on all sides of the building in aboveground parking.  Thank you to Teknion for generously hosting our user group meeting; for more information regarding Teknion, please visit their website at .


Please feel free to forward this invitation to those who may be interested; we welcome all new users, including those who are simply interested in Alteryx!  Join us for our kickoff meeting of 2019, where you can enjoy meeting friends, networking, and learning with other Alteryx fans!



Do I need to bring my Eventbrite ticket to the event?

No, we will have your information on the sign in sheet.


What is the dress code?

Business casual and jeans are just fine!


@Deanna and the Dallas Alteryx User Group Leadership Team

12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

Hi, DFW Alteryx User Group members!  Just a reminder that our January meeting will be Thursday from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. at Teknion Data Solutions in Irving.  In addition to our Alteryx Doctor Session, we will have Alteryx present "What's New in 2018.4"!  Come and hear about the latest advances, and ask questions about any other items released in previous 2018.x versions, such as SAML for server.


For the Alteryx Doctor Session, you don't have to bring a question in order to attend; please feel free to join and watch as we solve issues ad hoc on the screen.  Whether you are a new or experienced user, you may learn a new tip or trick in Alteryx - and it's the little things that sometimes save the most amount of time.  :)  


Please RSVP via this Eventbrite link:


In addition, please bring your ideas for what topics, presentations and events you would like to see in 2019; our leadership team will present plans for the new year, and we welcome your input and insights!  The user group is hosted "by users, for users", and we want to include everyone's recommendations.  Snacks and beverages will be served, and bring your business cards for the networking portion!  We look forward to seeing you at our kickoff meeting of 2019!



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I was really looking forward to coming to the meetup today, but something came up last minute and I won't be able to make it. If I have a question that I was hoping to ask during the Alteryx Doctor Session, is there any way I could still get an answer or if I could call in during this portion even though I'm not there?




Erin Granberry

12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

Hi, @egranberry !  Yes, absolutely!  Please feel free to post the question here, or you can email me directly at .  I and the leadership team would be very glad to help, and thanks for reaching out!


