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Dallas-Ft. Worth, TX

Welcome to the Dallas-Ft. Worth User Group

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Dallas Alteryx User Group Meeting, Wednesday, August 28th!

12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

Hi, Dallas/Fort Worth Alteryx User Group Members!  You are invited to our next Dallas Alteryx User Group meeting, on Wednesday, August 28th, from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m.!


This user group meeting will be in a special location - the new Dallas Alteryx Office!  The office has just moved to its new location in Plano, and we would like to celebrate by hosting our August meeting in their cool new conference room.  Please join us from 3:00 to 5:00 for the meeting, with a tour of the new office afterwards, then a cocktail hour in the Alteryx kitchen until 7:00 p.m.  Snacks and refreshments will be provided!


The new office location is:

7950 Legacy Drive

Suite 700

Plano, TX  75024


Our August meeting will also showcase the amazing Tips and Tricks Session from the Alteryx Inspire Conference, presented by Dallas' own Margarita Wilshire, who creates the session for the conference!  This is a presentation not to be missed; those tips and tricks make all the difference in increasing your knowledge and speed in using Alteryx!  We will also provide an Alteryx Inspire Recap for those who weren't able to attend the conference, including insights on sessions, the Alteryx Lab, etc.


In addition, Alteryx staff will present an overview of the new features in version 2019.2, released during the conference, as well as features from 2019.1.  After the meeting, join us for a grand tour of the office, then mix and mingle with old and new friends during the Happy Hour onsite!


To reserve your spot today, please RSVP via this Eventbrite invitation; seating is limited, and our meetings sell out fast!


Thank you to Alteryx and the Dallas Office for generously hosting our upcoming meeting!  Please feel free to forward this invitation to those who may be interested; we welcome all new users, including those who are simply interested in Alteryx.  Join us for our celebratory meeting of the new location, and enjoy meeting friends, networking, and learning those excellent Tips and Tricks!  



Do I need to bring my Eventbrite ticket to the event?

No, we will have your information on the sign in sheet.


What is the dress code?

Business casual and jeans are just fine!


@Deanna and the Dallas Alteryx User Group Leadership Team


8 - Asteroid

Hey, Deanna, thanks for sharing!


Can you provide a link to the survey that we can fill out?


I didn't fill out the paper survey passed out b/f leaving.



5 - Atom

Hi Deanna -


I just received news that the organization I work for here in Dallas has been accepted into the Alteryx for Good initiative.  We are just starting out with "real" data analytics so we are very excited to begin learning how to utilize Alteryx.  I would like to attend the next Dallas/Ft Worth user meeting if possible.  Is there a calendar set for next meetings or events?  


Thank you!

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)



That's exciting to hear that your organization has been accepted into the Alteryx for Good program! We are currently working on finalizing the agenda and date for the next Dallas meeting. Please keep eye out for the meeting announcement to be posted this week! 


Congrats again and looking forward to having you at the next Dallas - Ft. Worth User Group meeting! 🙂


-- Cat Martinez

User Groups Coordinator - Americas 

5 - Atom
Thanks Cat! I appreciate it.

12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

I agree, congratulations @EIF-CS on receiving your Alteryx For Good license!  Our Dallas Alteryx User Group has an extensive background in assisting with Alteryx For Good efforts since 2017, so it would be great to talk with you about your projects, and if you would like any volunteers to assist you as well!


Our next meeting will be Friday, October 4th, from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. at the 7-Eleven headquarters in Irving.  More information will be posted soon; we alternate monthly meetings between Dallas and Fort Worth, and will be posting information about a Fort Worth based meeting soon also!


Please reach out to us anytime if you have any questions; I look forward to meeting you, and talking about Alteryx For Good!



12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

Hi, @dmccandless and Alteryx User Group Members!  Thank you for asking about the survey; attached is a PDF of the August User Group Survey, and when you have time, please complete the survey and send to me either through a private email here on the Community (feel free to message me @Deanna ), or you can send it to me by email at .


Please let me know if you have any questions, or recommendations for additional survey questions/topics.  Thanks again, and see you soon at the next meeting!



5 - Atom
Thanks Deanna! I appreciate the meeting info. I will plan to be at the meeting on Oct. 4

Thank you,
