Dallas-Ft. Worth, TX

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Alteryx Hangout: Alteryx and Tableau Experts - Tableau Conference 2016

12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

Hi, everyone!  The Alteryx Hangout has provided a session for Alteryx and Tableau Users called "Preparing Your Data for the 2016 Tableau Conference".  Please visit the Alteryx Hangout at http://community.alteryx.com/t5/Alteryx-Hangout/bd-p/Alteryx-Hangout and view the most recent post.  The Alteryx Hangout can also be found on the main Community page in the Events section.


The webinar features four Tableau Zen Masters, and the post will be monitored by these experts, to answer any questions you might have.  A link to the Tableau Conference Page on the Alteryx website is also provided; check it out and see the exciting things Alteryx is doing at the conference!  The conference is this week from November 7 - 11 in Austin, Texas.

