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Dallas-Ft. Worth, TX

Welcome to the Dallas-Ft. Worth User Group

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3/4 | NA Central Q1 Meeting

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi Friends!


DFW Alteryx Users have not 1 but 2! 2 opportunities to join a UG meeting this quarter! Ooh, fancy.


The group will meet on March 4th from 12p-1:30p CST.


Our fearless leader, @Deanna will be co-hosting this meeting alongside the Austin, St. Louis, and Chicago leaders. 


Hope you can join!


When: Thursday, March 4, 2021
Time: 12:00 PM - 01:30 PM CST
Where: WebEx



12:00 PM – 12:10 PM:
Welcome & Announcements
12:10 PM – 12:30 PM:
2021.1 Alteryx Product Update
12:30 PM – 01:15 PM:
Hands-on Activity (Weekly Challenge)
01:15 PM – 01:30 PM:
Hands-on Activity Debrief & Closing
Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

I left out why you should join us!


Well, a portion of the meeting will focus on working in small breakout rooms to live solve a weekly challenge. Each breakout room will focus on one category: Macros Beginner, Macros Intermediate/Advanced, and Spatial. Each breakout room will be led by 2 leaders who will facilitate the conversation and with the goal of solving the weekly challenge by the end of the meeting. Attendees will be allowed to choose a breakout room to participate in.


12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

Thank you, @LaurenU !  I am looking forward to this NA Central Alteryx User Group meeting, and to facilitating the Spatial Weekly Challenge workflow build!


Alteryx users, please join us for a cool and interactive breakout session where we will build the workflow live and try to solve the weekly challenge together!  This will be similar to our Q4 NA Central User Group meeting, where we built a workflow for Santalytics, and it was such a fun, collaborative way to work together.  🙂


Also, there is SWAG!  Yes, you can potentially win a prize; please join us on March 4th at our regional meeting, from Texas to Minnesota, to learn more!



12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

Hi, Alteryx User Group members!  Just a reminder that our North America Central Alteryx User Group meeting is tomorrow, March 4th, from 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. Central time!


I will be hosting one of the interactive breakout rooms, and will be building an Alteryx workflow with your help, focusing on the Spatial tools!  We will be solving one (or more if there is time) of the Spatial Weekly Challenges.


There are so many excellent Spatial Weekly Challenges, that I would like to ask your assistance in selecting which ones we should build!  🙂  I have narrowed down the list to 5 challenges; please vote by replying to this post on which one(s) you would like to see during the interactive build session:


Weekly Challenge 67, Calculate Spatial Angles Challenge #67: Calculate Spatial Angles - Alteryx Community

Weekly Challenge 51, Spatial County Coverage Challenge #51: Spatial County Coverage - Alteryx Community

Weekly Challenge 48, Calculating Distribution Priority Challenge #48: Calculating Distribution Priority - Alteryx Community

Weekly Challenge 220, Hedge Detection Challenge #220: Hedge Detection - Alteryx Community

Weekly Challenge 149, Market Overlap Challenge #149: Market Overlap - Alteryx Community


We will also have breakout rooms for live builds of Batch and Iterative Macros as well.  Also, attendees for the meeting tomorrow will have the chance to win a gift card for the Alteryx swag store!


Please register at this link:  NA Central Alteryx User Group Q1 Meeting .  Thanks again, and we look forward to seeing you at the meeting tomorrow!




cc:  @LaurenU , @ChrisS 

8 - Asteroid

Hi Deanna,


I have an academic license. Will this type of license suffice for the spatial analysis we will be doing? I think I might need to purchase the separate package to calculate mileages. etc.

8 - Asteroid

I vote for #220.




12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

Hi, @jkv0019 !  For many of the spatial exercises we will be doing, the basic installation of Alteryx should be fine; we may be utilizing the Trade Area tool, Distance tool, and other spatial tools, and will calculate simply on straight-line ("as the crow flies") distance, which is available in the basic Spatial toolset in Alteryx.  For geocoding and drive time calculations, the Location Insights bundle is needed, and I can show versions of our analysis using this data bundle in addition to straight-line calculations.  However, the breakout room participants will not need to have this bundle installed.  🙂


Thank you for asking a very good and important question!  Looking forward to having you join our spatial build session tomorrow!



5 - Atom

I vote for #48. 





6 - Meteoroid

I haven't used the spatial tools so I know I'll learn from any of these, but 51 & 149 sound especially interesting.


Thanks 🙂