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7 - Meteor

@JPKribs There appears to be a missing dependency in the packaged workflow. When importing the package, the progress says there's an error, and the Workflow Dependencies box indicates the GenerateRows.yxzp can't be found (see below). I haven't been able to get this workflow to work properly and am curious if this is why.


Gallery Workflow Migration Import Issue.PNG

7 - Meteor

@JPKribs When the workflow doesn't exist in the Target environment, no data is coming into the left Join input (ID 293), meaning no results in the Join output:


Migration Tool ID 293.png

7 - Meteor

Ths issue above is resolved. I removed the Join (293) tool and connected the formula tool directly to the Server API POST tool. That solved the problem.

7 - Meteor

Getting below error, can you please help on this



7 - Meteor

@Arti2893  I had the same issue, and the workflow appears to be dependent on two items in someone's downloads folder (zhamilton). The workflow will load successfully, however, and I don't think I ran into anything related to those errors. I noticed this workflow isn't exactly "out-of-the-box", so you'll need to tinker a bit. I've only hit one issue I can't resolve (explained below).


For anyone coming across this post, there's a bug in 2022.1 and later, and the endpoint needed to upload a new version of an existing workflow is missing. The specific endpoint is 

POST {baseURL}/v3/workflows/{workflowId}/versions. I confirmed with Alteryx support this is a known bug and is expected to be fixed in version 2023.

6 - Meteoroid

Hi All,

I am no longer working at Alteryx and have since moved to a new role at another company. This means that I unfortunately no longer have the raw workflow files nor the ability to update this post. If I remember correctly, that Join was used as a quirky workaround for the Versions API not working appropriately. The dependency issues were a mix up on my end. If you install these tools from Alteryx first THEN open this Workflow you shouldn't get these issues. If I am looking at this correctly, sorry it's been a while since I've worked on this:

Alteryx Server v3 API endpoints

Sorry for the inconvenience!

6 - Meteoroid





Please see the 2024 release of Alteryx's Workflow Migration Enterprise Utility: