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Cloud Quests

Elevate your workflow skills by solving real-world challenges using the Alteryx Analytics Cloud Platform.

Cloud Quest Submission Process Update!


Hi Community,


We are launching an updated process to submit Cloud Quest solutions!


Starting today and moving forward we will provide a JSON workflow start file for each quest. Whenever possible, the workflow contains starting data preloaded into a Text Input tool (or tools). Occasionally you may need to manually connect any provided CSV files if the records exceed the maximum allowed in a Text Input tool.


Download the JSON start file from the link provided and import it into your Alteryx Analytics Cloud Library. Then you can open the file and start solving the quest in Designer Cloud!


Similarly, once you are finished, export your JSON solution file to attach to your reply on Community to get credit towards your Cloud Quest badge count. Please continue to upload a screenshot of your solution workflow so other folks can check out your creativity!


Review the instructions below learn how to import and export Alteryx Designer Cloud workflows:


Import the Cloud Quest Start File

  • Download the provided JSON start file and upload it into your Analytics Cloud library.
  • Open the workflow in Designer Cloud.
  • Start solving!

Get Started.png

Export Your Solution

  • Once you have completed your quest, go back to your Analytics Cloud library.
  • Download your workflow solution file.
  • Upload your JSON file as an attachment to your comment.

Upload your Solution.png

We think this process is going to be more intuitive as it more closely aligns to the method used to upload Designer Desktop Weekly Challenge solutions. Please let us know how this new process is working for you and if you have any suggestions! Email us at or leave a comment below.


Thank you!


Academy Wordmark.png

13 - Pulsar
13 - Pulsar

do we need to go back and resubmit old answers to get credit towards the badge?

Treyson Marks
Managing Partner
DCG Analytics

Apologies for the late reply Treyson. No you do not need to resubmit for previous quests. We are counting the screen shots you uploaded towards your badge count. Good question though, thanks!