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Cloud Quests

Elevate your workflow skills by solving real-world challenges using the Alteryx Analytics Cloud Platform.

Cloud Quest #19: Fuel Me Once! (Electric Vehicle Edition)


Hi Community,


We posted the solution JSON file to Cloud Quest 18. Check it out and let us know what you think! Send suggestions to or leave a comment below!



Let’s dive into this week's quest!


  1. Download the provided JSON file containing your starting data and workflow files.
  2. Upload the provided Cloud Quest 19 Start.json file into your Analytics Cloud library.
  3. All necessary datasets are contained within Text Input tools in the workflow.


For more detailed instructions on how to import and export Designer Cloud workflow files, check out the pinned article Cloud Quest Submission Process Update.




Many companies require a fleet of vehicles to conduct their business. Eventually, all those vehicles need to be refueled so many of these companies choose to issue credit cards that are assigned to a particular vehicle in the fleet.


While this is convenient, it can result in unscrupulous behavior...


Use the provided datasets to create a workflow that flags transactions that require further review. Transactions that exceed the (vehicle capacity * fuel price) value should be flagged as Level 2, while transactions that exceed 90% of the (vehicle capacity * fuel price) value should be flagged as Level 1.


  • The Transactions dataset contains fleet credit card numbers, dates, and transaction amounts.
  • The Card Pairings dataset contains Van Number and the fleet credit cards assigned to them.
  • The Fuel Type table contains the fuel types and fuel capacities for three ranges of Van Numbers. Capacities are measured in gallons or kilowatt hours.
  • The Fuel Prices dataset lists average fuel prices by date for regular gasoline (price/gallon), diesel (price/gallon), and electric fast-charging for electric vehicles (EVs) (price/kilowatt hour).


Hint: To make this quest easier, you can simply reference the Fuel Type dataset. However, to make the workflow dynamic, use the Fuel Type dataset in your workflow to account for different van numbers, fuel types, or prices in the future.


A combination of the Join, Filter, Formula, Generate Rows, Select, and Sort tools should solve your problem, but not necessarily in this sequence.


If you find yourself struggling with any of the tasks, feel free to explore these interactive lessons in Alteryx Academy for guidance:


Once you have completed your quest, go back to your Analytics Cloud library.

  • Download your workflow solution file.
  • Include your JSON file and a screenshot of your workflow as attachments to your comment.


Here’s to a successful quest!

Academy Wordmark.png


21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

Thank you for the follow-up.

8 - Asteroid

Here is my solution :)


Quest 19 JC.png

12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar


