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Hello, User Group Members! Please take a moment by answering the questions below to introduce yourself to the Chicago User Group Community. Once again welcome!
I look forward to meeting others in the group and sharing our ideas and challenges as I find this one of the best ways to learn and progress.
Hello there everyone!
My name is Guillermo Gonzalez, I go by Gymo (G-moe). I work for an analytics team in the insurance industry!
Last movie I went to was "Star Wars: A New Hope", I thought it was phenomenal! It was a bit similar to the first three ever made but nonethless a great start in the contiunuation.
The Altyrex tool that represents me the most....hmmm, it's tough, I would say I'm a Dynamic Input because of my multiple influences in life.
I'm looking forward to joining the group to learn about what the rest of Chicago is doing with Alteryx (and Tableau)!
Star Wars: The Force Awakens! DOH!
I'm Adam. I work in K-12 education.
Probably Rogue One. I really liked it.
Join tool. I'm all about making connections.