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Hello, User Group Members! Please take a moment by answering the questions below to introduce yourself to the Chicago User Group Community. Once again welcome!
1. Patrick Digan. I work at a Medical Malpractice Insurance Company.
2. The Hunger Games, and the first one is better than the several that followed (IMHO).
3. RegEx because it can do just about anything when it comes to string manipulation.
Looking forward to meeting everyone!
My name is Warren San Luis and I work for a (mostly) Property & Casualty Insurance company
The last movie that I went to was "The Good Dinosaur". The movie itself was "meh" but the graphics were unbelievable.
Hahah! The tool that represents me the most is the Fuzzy Match.
1. Som Chatterjee, I hail from the scintillating world of medical malpractice insurance.
2) Zootopia. Liked it especially since it had a reference to actuaries.
3) The summarize tool. It's like salt, you can't cook without it.
Hello Chicago Alteryx user group.
1. My name is Matt Albucher and I work in HR analytics.
2. Haven't been to a movie theater in years, but last movie I saw in the theater was Capt. Phillips (Tom Hanks), which I thought was amazing.
3. I'm really interested in integrating R, Tableau and Alteryx. To that end, I like the R tool because I can integrate custom R code into the Alteryx workflow. Also like the output tool because I can export tde files to Tableau.
Also, just attended the Alteryx Self-Service Analytics Event – Chicago on April 21 at the InterContinental Hotel. The presentation was extremely helpful. Would be very interested in attending or even hosting another Chicago event to learn best practices and techniques from other Alteryx users. I'm fairly new to the program and would like to learn from you all!
1. Antonio San Juan. I'm in the CPG industry, from a large food manufacturer.
2. Alice Through the Looking Glass. It was daddy-daughter night with my 10 year old. I thought it would be a good time to catch a nap going in but I was awake the entire movie. Disney's CGI is getting better and better.
3. I'm new to Alteryx so I'd say JOIN is the tool that represents me the most.
Hello Antonio,
Welcome to the users group. A few of us are actually at Alteryx Inspire as we speak and we'll be providing much of that info at our next users group meeting. We hope that you can attend. The exact date and location information are being finalized and we'll be sending on the info when it becomes available.
What’s your name and what industry do you hail from?
Ken Siercks (Telco industry)
What was the last movie you went to? What did you think?
Suicide Squad. May have been more realistic if not contained with a PG-13 rating.
What Alteryx Tool represents you the most?
Macro because I will adopt to any process to make it easier and quicker.