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Boston, MA (New England)

Welcome to the Boston User Group

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Boston Alteryx User Group Meeting

Publié le ‎01-13-2023 05:50 AM par | Mis à jour le ‎01-20-2023 07:48 AM

BAUG (NE)_Q123.png



The Boston Alteryx User Group (BAUG) Co-leaders Welcome You to Our Community Meeting


Come, learn, mingle, and network with other Alteryx enthusiasts on Thursday, February 2, 2023 at Bentley University at 6 pm!  Make new friends and network with those who love using Alteryx in their work!  We are excited to have you as a part of our BAUG community and to meet everyone! 


The event location will be at Bentley University with free parking.  This event has a cap of 40 in-person participants, so register by Monday, January 30, 2023 to reserve your in-person spot.  Those who cannot join in-person can still participate via a Zoom link, which will be shared after completed registration.  We will have a contest and a winners awarded with Alteryx merch swag--information about the contest can be found here: 



6:00 to 6:30 pm: Check-in, networking, and contest winner announcement. 

6:30 to 7:00 pm: Presentation by Anthony Chamberas, Digital Strategy Consultant at Steritas.

7:00 to 7:30 pm: Presentation by Tessa Hauck, Data Analyst at IDEXX.


When registering for this event, please respond if you will be participating in-person or virtually, as space is limited.  Specific directions to in-person meeting and room will be shared a few days before the event to those who registered in-person.  Light refreshments will be served.  Share this event on social media!  Registration for the event is only within this community page.  We look forward to meeting you!


Are you planning to attend: free polls




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Début :
jeu., févr. 2, 2023 03:00 PM PST
Fin :
jeu., févr. 2, 2023 04:30 PM PST
Bentley University, Forest Street, Waltham, MA, USA
Étiquettes (2)
9 Commentaires

Anyone knows where is the meeting room on Bentley campus? I could not find any information on the location and I am trying to find the meeting location by randomly walking from building to building...

Hi @kangliu! The event is in the Jennison building, 2nd floor, room 215. It's a building just to the right of the library, says "JENNISON" by the door.


Thanks for your help! 

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Thank you so much! I found the room and the pizza, happy to be here.


Looking for a zoom link 

The Zoom Link for the meeting is:

Meeting ID: 991 0507 9871

Passcode: BAUG2023


Zoom will open around 6:15pm. 


Joy Gray
Arizona State University
Alteryx FAC member

Hello!  Can someone please share the picture from yesterday's User group meeting? 

We are gathering the photos now - look for a recap post later this week!  

Joy Gray
Arizona State University
Alteryx FAC member