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Boston, MA (New England)

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Boston Alteryx User Group Meeting (Virtual)

Published on ‎09-10-2023 02:45 PM by | Updated on ‎09-28-2023 09:19 AM

Come, learn, mingle, and network with other Alteryx enthusiasts on Thursday, September 28, 2023 for a Virtual event at 5 pm!  



5:00 to 6:30 pm: Alteryx Games / Swag

6:30 to ~7pm: Matt McDonald - Staples Inc : Useful tool combinations for data analysis


About your Speaker:

Matt is a Product Manager at Staples, where he has worked for the last decade in various operational and analytical roles within the print services business. Matt loves to use Alteryx to answer business questions!



A Zoom link is provided  which will be visible after RSVPing by clicking 'Yes' on the top right. 

Please reach out if you experience any issues.


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Thu, Sep 28, 2023 02:00 PM PDT
Thu, Sep 28, 2023 05:00 PM PDT
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