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Boston, MA (New England)

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6/22/17 Boston User Group Meeting

7 - Meteor

Hello, Just wanted to thank everyone for an awesome discussion at the User Group Meeting tonight! I really enjoyed the open dialogue and info sharing. Everyone has such a great passion for Alteryx!


Thank you to the woman from Staples (sorry I missed your name!) for mentioning containers. I came home and played! Was able to take an ugly long workflow and put all the major steps into different containers. So much easier to read now! I didn't go color crazy yet. I'll save that for the next one.  :)


Thanks Jesse for reminding me about the Ctrl + Shift + "-" to align horizontally!


Looking forward to our next meeting!


8 - Asteroid

Hi Linda,


Containers are awesome. Glad to hear you've already started to incorporate them! I also enjoy using containers within containers where applicable... :D .


Looking forward to seeing everyone again at the next user group!



7 - Meteor


Happy Friday!



Attached is a pdf of Tips and Tricks from Inspire 2017! 


It was nice meeting everyone yesterday and I look forward to seeing our group grow! 


Have a great weekend!




7 - Meteor


Happy Friday!



Attached is a pdf of Tips and Tricks from Inspire 2017! 


It was nice meeting everyone yesterday and I look forward to seeing our group grow! 


Have a great weekend!
