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Need to know which Alteryx tool suits to this requirement.

8 - Asteroid

Hi all,


I have two tables with huge number of records with different columns and no common data types. In this case, if I need to specify a join between these two tables then which Alteryx tool would be useful?


Append tool (OR) Join tool by configuring "Record by position". Which tool gives the correct output in a less time?


Kindly please let me know. Many thanks!


Best Regards,

Sreenivasa Teja.

8 - Asteroid

Join is a memory intensive operation even with one to one primary key mapping between two tables.

Hence First suggestion on this topic would be evaluate why you might to join the two tables without common field/s.


Also using Append Fields or Join by record position would be entirely dependent on your requirement.

Could you attach sample tables and state your exact requirement and what you want to achieve?


7 - Meteor
Totally depends on the data type and reasons for matching. How many columns do you have in this data? Can you mask the sensitive data and send the data set?