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Discuss about the Alteryx certification

5 - Atom

Hai Everyone




              Can any one give  information about "How to get certification exam from Alteryx"  and the Pattern of the Alteryx certification.




Thanks & Regards,


17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hey @Sudhathumburu

It seems that the most active thread is here:


From my understanding - the first step is for your company to be registered as an Alteryx Partner.


Given that you and I are in BGL - we should think about how to get our user communities within our respective firms to be more active on these forums so that we can begin to have a voice in the needs of our BGL community!

PM me if you're interested in exchanging ideas (just click on your profile pick on top-left; and then hit the message button).


Thanks @Sudhathumburu
