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Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

2016 Data Analytics PredictionsThis time of year there are lots of activities that signal that the end of the year is quickly approaching. Black Friday sales have people waiting on lines at stores to get first crack at that new big screen TV or other device. People are making holiday travel plans to spend time with family and friends (or just get away to the nearest ski slope). And all the classic holiday movies and songs are playing around us.


This is also the time of year when we traditionally do our webinar with predictions for the coming year, and this year is no exception. We’ve been doing this for the last two years, and last year we had over a thousand people attend our 2015 predictions webinar.


Looking back on our predictions for 2015, our predictions have come true. We’re certainly seeing a lot more people using analytics in their personal lives. Last year’s webinar panelists mentioned how users are tracking the spread of infectious diseases, and we are now seeing a lot more people using analytics to analyze everything from player data for their fantasy football pools to song listening habits to see how their tastes have changed over time.


We’re also seeing a tremendous increase in the number of empowered analysts who have achieved their analytic independence through tools like Alteryx and Tableau. If you missed our self-service data blending roundtable video this summer featuring executives from Cloudera, GE, and Alteryx, you should check it out. The theme that ran throughout was about how analysts – when given access to big data and the power of self-service analytic tools – can accomplish significant, business-changing results.


But enough about 2015. Looking ahead to 2016 the stakes are even higher. There are over 260 million data workers around the world – people who may not be analysts by definition, but who have access to data that can help them make better decisions. Examples include a product marketing manager who wants to know how recent campaigns are performing so he or she can replicate the successful ones and do less of the poor performing ones. Other example is the customer service manager who wants to look at every engagement with a particular customer to see if there’s any potential issues before he or she gets on the phone with them.


If you’re one of those 260 million people who work with data, even occasionally, you’re not going to want to miss our third annual webinar, “2016 Data Analytics Predictions.” This year I’ll be joined by Francois Ajenstat, VP of Product Management at Tableau Software. Francois and his team at Tableau are doing some amazing things to empower everyone from dedicated analysts to casual users with powerful visualizations that help them discover critical trends in their business (and personal lives as mentioned above). And, we’re welcoming back Clarke Patterson, Senior Director of Product Marketing at Cloudera. We loved his predictions from last year so much that we wanted to make sure he could make it for the 2016 edition.


Register now and discover:


  • The analytics skills that will be in highest demand
  • New technologies to watch for, and how organizations can adopt them
  • Best practices for creating a data-driven, analytics-led culture


I hope to see you all on the webinar for what should be another dynamic and thought-provoking session.