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Smart Relocation: How HR Saved 1,700 hours


Overview of Use Case

Caisse D’Epargne Hauts De France is a French bank active in retail and private banking. They were facing a common problem familiar to many other companies: what is the most efficient way to relocate employees? They wanted to take in consideration employee’s drive time to maximize everyone’s time. In this use case, Arthur Ladwein, Data Project Manager, shows how the application they created for Human Resources (HR), using Alteryx Designer, caused a big impact and saved them 1,700 hours a year.  

Describe the business challenge or problem you needed to solve

Relocating people to branch offices with constraints such as:

  • The new person has enough experience
  • He or she fits the job
  • He or she doesn’t live too far

The previous process:

  • Used Google maps to find nearby cities
  • Used Excel to find employees living in those cities
  • Very risky because you might not know all the cities and you might filter wrong. Also, it's really time consuming!

The new process with Alteryx:

  • Automated
  • Showing accurate data
  • Allowing flexibility
Describe your working solution

The HR team needed something that was easy to use that could provide information about who are the employees living nearby each branch office, how long have they been working there, etc. They had a HR database, but they didn't have enough time to go through the process, so Arthur helped them build an analytic application using Alteryx.


Final product: In the app, anyone in the HR team can choose the position they need to be filled, the location, the maximum drive time, how long the person has been working there and number of coworkers in the branch.Final product: In the app, anyone in the HR team can choose the position they need to be filled, the location, the maximum drive time, how long the person has been working there and number of coworkers in the branch.


Geocoding (and prep)

First part is about the workflow, about geocoding the employees. With that, you are able to tell where they live because they already had the branch offices geo-coded.  They used the HR database and geocoded everything to get it straight.


  • Geocoding the coworkers and the branch offices

They run this workflow once a month every quarter. The “geocoding French” box is a macro which was built by the Information Lab France, it only works for France. If you want to use it, it's about the national address space which is an API you can call. The “European geocoding” macro is based on the TomTom Alteryx tools which are included. This macro allows Arthur and his team to geocode all around Europe, like drive time.


  • Making the data ready to use

They joined a few data sets to have control of what you need from the HR database, in case you need something specific. 


Analytic Application

The second part is about creating the analytic application. First thing is to filter the data to have as few lines as possible. With the use of joint and filter tools you end up having the only people that work right in the offices that you want. To find where the person lives below a trade area which is made by drive time, they used the Find Nearest tool and added two parameters which is the maximum drive time and the number of coworkers. They used the Formula tool to calculate the drive time of an employee between where they work right now and where they used to work or where they might work tomorrow.




With the report, created with Alteryx reporting tools, the HR team can see vacancy and they can understand where they live, what the territory is, they have something which more straightforward than what they used to do.


List of collaborators closest to the agencyList of collaborators closest to the agency
Describe the benefits you have achieved

Roi and benefits

  • 350 employees relocated Between January and July
  • Eliminated risk of error
  • Happiness: employees spend less time on the road and the company reduces cost due to mobility



Time spent searching on Google maps trying find cities and people in those cities


Automated with Alteryx

•       3 hours per person relocated

•       10 minutes per person relocated


•       150 hours per month


•       8 hours per month


•       1,800 hours per year


•       100 hours per year



Related Resources
The entire PowerPoint presentation can be found here.