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Maveryx Success Stories Submission Guide



Success Stories are great resources that help others see how Alteryx has transformed your business.

In general, we are looking for content that:


  1. Tells the customer’s story on how Alteryx has transformed their organization into becoming a data-driven business
  2. Is well written and informative
  3. Highlights success stories/interesting Alteryx Success Stories 


Below are the formatting guidelines for blog submissions. Following these will result in less back-and-forth when we review your article. There is also example Success Stories linked below in this article, which you can view to make the process easier. Additionally, we have added questions below to help you while writing your Success Story. All questions might not be applicable to your Success Story, but they are there to guide you along the writing process. 




  • Writing should be clear and free of typos and grammatical errors; please use a spelling and grammar checker or have someone proofread your draft before submitting it
  • Do not use all caps, italics, or underlines for emphasis
  • Capitalize Alteryx tool names (e.g., the Download tool)
  • Capitalize Alteryx product names (Alteryx Designer, Alteryx Server, Auto Insights, etc.) and external product names (Excel, Tableau, etc.)
  • Use the full version of an acronym before using the acronym in your article to help with audience understanding (e.g., using the term Machine Learning and then calling it ML later if needed)


Example Success Stories: 


Dairy Queen: Everyone’s favorite spatial:


Barnes & Noble: Retail and advanced predictive/ab testing:


Standard Bank:


Salvation Army: Great Success Stories for system migration/ IT teams and workday:



Below are questions broken out by section to help you think of content while writing your Success Story:

Overview of Success Story:

  • Please provide a brief description of the key elements of your Success Story.

Business challenge or problem you needed to solve:

  • What did the process look like before using Alteryx?
    • How much time did the process take you/your team?
  • What challenge(s) did your team face? 

Working solution:

  • Describe your Alteryx solution (with screenshots if possible)
    • What does the workflow look like?
    • How is the data processed?
    • What tools did you leverage? Highlight the key tools/strategies/logic you used in the solution
  • How did Alteryx help you overcome your challenges?
  • How does it compare to the process you once had?

Benefits you have achieved:

  • How has Alteryx helped with productivity or streamlined processes?
  • How much time have you saved?
  • Any helpful tips you could give your fellow Alteryx user?



  • Images must be high resolution, text must be readable
  • All media (not created by you) needs citations. Unsplash and Pixabay are good options for public domain images. 
  • Images and videos should always be center aligned


Legal Documentation:

With Legal Documentation: Use of company logo and name will be used throughout the Success Story. 

Without Legal Documentation: We will not be able to use your company logo or name in the Success Story. Please be sure to write your Success Story excluding that information if you believe you will not get legal sign-off. 


Helpful Tips:

  • Incorporating visuals/graphics throughout are highly encouraged
  • If you think your logo and company name will not be able to be shared, please exclude them while writing the Success Story. (See example Success Story for writing style.)
  • Success Stories that include rich media tend to have a stronger impact. Please attach any documentation that supports your Success Story by clicking "Choose files" under Attachments. For example: workflows, apps, macros or screenshots.
  • Click Save at any time to save your work and return to it later.
  • Once your Success Story is ready for review, Click Request Review.
  • Your CSM will request any additional materials needed after you request a review


Once you have submitted your Success Story, we will review it to make sure we have all the necessary information. If anything is missing, your CSM will work with you to make sure your Success Story is complete! After a final review, your Success Story will be posted, and you will be notified.