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Alteryx Local: Little League Registration Tracking


2018 Excellence Awards Entry: Alteryx Local - Little League Registration Tracking


Name: Jon Albertini (Alteryx, Customer Success Manager)

Title: Customer Success Manager, Alteryx

Company: Freeport-Pownal Little League














Overview of Use Case:


The Freeport-Pownal Little League (FPLL) has a group of volunteers steering the organization and development of youth softball and baseball players throughout three towns in Southern-Mid Coast Maine. We use Alteryx to track and report registrations, plan for coaching and volunteer outreach, and plan for future events.


Describe the business challenge or problem you needed to solve:

How many teams do we need in each age group? We have registrations from children between ages 4 and 12. Leagues and teams are organized according to age. During the busy sign-up season, I needed a way to extract source data, update, and deliver an accurate weekly report. The report needs to geocode and map player locations (Little League requirement), how many players are in each age group, and how many teams we're projecting for. This would help us understand how many coaches we need so we can also coordinate background checks before any coach meets their teams. This also helps us determine if we'll have enough fields to host practices and games throughout the season. Can we use all fields near the majority of population, or do we need to utilize fields in neighboring communities?     


Describe your working solution:

We utilize a cloud-based registration system called TeamSnap (another software company with Colorado roots). With admin privileges, I'm able to extract a weekly registration report. The goal is to create a static, visual report that tracks a number of metrics. Charts using reporting tools show how many players we have grouped by age range. We have a separate chart showing how many registered players have paid, how many are on scholarship, and what amount we still need to collect. We have a map showing player locations by town. Alteryx even helped us guide a mom in Freeport, TX to her local Little League registration. It was easy to see something wasn't right when our map zoomed from a small region in Maine to include all of the eastern and Midwest USA. Imagine how those kids would have felt when they found out they weren't on the list? I'm glad Alteryx helped us catch that.


With most volunteer help, I don't have a lot of time to provide insight and direction. Our Alteryx workflow has enabled me to automate the entire process. I only need to spend minutes obtaining new extracts.


We have also used Alteryx to organize and coordinate a fair draft, for players old enough to participate in rankings (hitting, defense, pitching). Alteryx runs our weighted average report. Even if coaches aren't familiar with each player they're drafting, they can have confidence in the scores because our skill session was conducted and reported upon with integrity. This helps FPLL maintain parity and fairness across all teams.


Future plans will have us take survey results and automate findings from post-season feedback.


Describe the benefits you have achieved:

We've now been able to report on numbers that nobody ever had time to report. We can increase our organization ahead of time and communicate our changes to all parents in the FPLL community. Parents appreciate organization and open communication, especially when this is often the first level of sports participation for so many kids. Thanks to our volunteers and the time we save with Alteryx, we're able to steer our efforts toward increasing sponsorship, and most importantly driving increased participation.


There are 20 little league towns in Maine District 6. FPLL is the only one that shows growth over those years. Not only are we growing, but we're able to share our findings with the Maine Little League District administrator. I know they appreciate the work we're all doing and Alteryx certainly helps us to focus our efforts on a limited timeline and budget.