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Writing to an Excel named range in the gallery

7 - Meteor

I have a workflow that writes to a file in Excel when run on my desktop.  There are three exports - two that export to tabs and one that exports to a named range.  When run via Gallery, it exports all three to new tabs and does not include any of the other tabs the workbook has.  I'm new to the Gallery, so I'm sure it's a settings problem.  Any hints?

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

@BradBaker I would start with this article: My guess would be that you're packaging the output and would instead need to UNC the output (Under Options >> Workflow dependencies) and make sure the server has access to that location. You would also need to make sure you're not packaging the output when you save to the gallery.


7 - Meteor

Thanks @patrick_digan .  This looks like what we need.