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Workflow reported error in Alteryx Gallery

5 - Atom

Hi, I have a workflow that reads several input files, performs data massage and finally exports the result into multiple Excel files located in network drive.


I am facing difficulty with my workflow (with AMP disabled) in Alteryx Gallery (current server doesn't support AMP) as it failed with error message "There was an unknown error executing the application. The engine reported status Error" upon execution. However, when i disabled all my output tools, it worked fine now in server. I am wondering if it is due to the output tools consuming too much memory in server that lead to error or anyone facing similar issue in server environment?


Any insights or solution is much appreciated. Thanks.


7 - Meteor

We've experienced a similar issue with one of our workflows. It was able to fully run whenever we disabled the output tool and through testing found out, that a .tmp file would be too large for the harddrive and hence would throw an error. 


To remedy the issue we changed the path for storing .tmp files which has fully resolved the issue.