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View Schedules is not updating in Alteryx designer ?

8 - Asteroid



I have created a workflow and published in the gallery.   Now I am able to see the workflow in Options->View Schedules. 

Question1:  By default, the workflow saves to disk or Scheduler DB (Mongo DB)?


Later, I have made some changes to the same workflow and saved as a second version. The workflow is updated in the gallery with version2 and I was able to run it.

Now when I go to the  Options->View Schedules, I still see the workflow name with version1.  But the result count increases.

Question2:  Is Options->View Schedules always have the initial version of workflow or it is supposed to update to the latest version of the workflow.


Now, I have deleted the workflow in the gallery,  I am still able to see the workflow in Options->View Schedules.

Question3: Options->View Schedules will always contain the workflows even if we delete the workflows in the gallery?





Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team



Question 1: Scheduled workflow on the Gallery will use the Mongo DB and NOT Disc.


Questions 2: We do not display the version of the workflow in the Scheduler section, we only publish the name. If you named it version 1 in the Scheduler Name, then it will stay version 1. The workflow that is run is the one that is published, so if you added a new version of the workflow to the gallery the Scheduler will run that new version.


Questions 3: The Scheduler view will not run the workflow if you have removed it from the Gallery. When the workflow attempts to run it will error.

