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Using a .Flat file on gallery

6 - Meteoroid

Does anyone know how to use a .flat file on the gallery? I am able to build a workflow using the .flat in designer, but it does not recognize it on the gallery. Any examples would be helpful.

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Is it a delimited file, or fixed width? If fixed width, do you have a spec file for it?  If so, do you have the spec file referenced in the input tool and stored on a drive the server has access to?  hard to help without some more detail (screenshots, configurations, etc.).



6 - Meteoroid

It's unstructured data that i used reg ex to parse. The file changes with each user. 

12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

So the goal is to input the raw flat file to later parse it by Regex, right? You can configure your input data tool to put the records all in a single column, allowing long lines. This way you should be able to update the file only through file browser tool and the workflow do the rest.


Otherwise if that doesn't work, please share with us the screenshot to help you.