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Userid change

8 - Asteroid

We have an individual who has had their userid changed for some unknown reason.  It went from aaaa001 to aaaa006.  I understand I cannot delete the studio but wouldn't a new studio be created if they went online.  We use windows authentication in our setup.  It seems the user isn't get a new studio for their new userid?  Has anyone been able to change the Network name to reflect the new userid? 


Thank you,


Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

@brad_j_crep our suggestion is to have your IT use the same SID number if possible when using Windows Auth. That way Alteryx recognizes the same idea, but it would have the new information listed. If that is not possible, you can add another Artisan to the users studio and add the new windows auth user to that studio. Since you can only be assigned to one studio at a time, that new ID would be associated to the same as the old one. Only caveat with that would be that the author of the workflows would still be under that old SID #, so if a company was tracking workflows on the gallery, the new SID can be applied by downloading the workflows on their machine and republish. That will then update the author of the workflow.

7 - Meteor

This is our solution for this. If you are using Robo3T or compass, it's much easier when you can find and edit user sid using GUI. This solution is for command line interface:
User can get the SID value by run this command in cmd: whoami /user -> send to Admin before the change


Admin Login controller node VM

Open Alteryx System Settings and click next four times.  Copy the Password and paste in notepad (Not Admin Password, just Password)

To connect to the database you needed to move to D:\Program Files\Alteryx\bin and then ran the following:

mongo -u user -p PASTE_PASSWORD -host localhost:27018 AlteryxGallery

Run below command:

db.getCollection('users').find({​​​​​​​​"Email" : ""}​​​​​​​​).pretty()

If found the user, go to next command. If not, check the email: Use exact user email display in outlook with capital letters

                        db.users.update({"Email": ""}, {$set:{"WindowsIdentity.Sid": "$NEW_SID_VALUE"}})

You should see this result

You can get user again using the first command to verify the new SID.

Then run exit